Red ligth camera

Strasbourg enforcement location

Red light camera photo enforced location

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Quai Koenig, from Vers Centre ville
Route de Schirmeck, from Strasbourg to Lingolsheim
Route des Romains, from Vers Centre ville
Route de Schirmeck, from Lingolsheim to Strasbourg
Rue du Marché-Gare, from MIN to La Rotonde
Rue de Hochfelden, from Cronembourg to Centre-ville
Route de Koenigshoffen, from Strasbourg to Eckbolsheim

Strasbourg Suburbs


Boulevard Nessel, from Strasbourg to Haguenau
Route de Strasbourg, from Strasbourg to Haguenau


Route de Strasbourg, from Strasbourg to Colmar
Boulevard du Maréchal Foch , from Nord to Sud
Route de Strasbourg, from Colmar to Strasbourg